Every Marina Rinaldi garment is different, but each one is given the same care and dedication. Are we perfectionists? Absolutely. Just look at the clothes we are so proud to make.

From the creative process to the definition of the smallest of details, our collections perfectly combine heritage, quality and Made-in-Italy design. Our goal? Offer a day-to-night wardrobe that celebrates the beauty of every woman in every size.

To bring out the best in our garments and ensure that the fabrics adapt perfectly to the wearer’s figure, we choose only the finest quality materials. We do this because, unlike the world of ‘fast’ fashion, we want our garments to last you over time.

We are constantly searching for the perfect fit: every Marina Rinaldi garment is created in a dedicated space where artisans and tailors express themselves to the fullest.
Our Brand invests in creating models to work with, studying our own sizes in relation to the body types of different women to ensure style and comfort.

Attention to detail and sartorial quality make all our garments absolutely unique. Nothing is left to chance. We use artisanal techniques for sewing and internal finishes. Just touch any collection to immediately feel its worth.

We select quality production centres throughout the world. Every Marina Rinaldi style is put through rigorous controls and with the highest standards of quality. Expert hands and eyes participate in the creation of every garment, supervised at every step.